Thursday, May 28, 2009

Le Petit Dinner

This is the menu from last year's End-of-Year party that I co-catered for the department. It was a complete 11-course dinner, all in miniature. Dessert, which is cut-off from the menu, included two entries: lemon-lavendar teacakes and raspberry mocha chocolate cakes (again, all in miniature). Preceded by my tuxedoed strawberries and followed up by spicy chocolate truffles.

In the foreground: lemon-lavender teacakes, with hand-coated sugared lilacs and almond slivers. At the sides: tuxedoed strawberries. In the background: raspberry mocha chocolate cake, and spicy dark chocolate truffles.

Close-up of the raspberry mocha chocolate cakes and lemon-lavender teacakes


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